Our Story

When we first had an inkling that our son Oscar might be delayed in speech, we really had no idea what we were in for. Every friend, relative and well meaning stranger had an opinion on “late talkers”.

“He’ll catch up!”

“Boys are always late talkers”

“Pretty soon you won’t be able to shut him up and you’ll long for the silence”

“Our grandson was like that….then boom! Full sentences when he turned three”

As parents, you never want your children to struggle, and the temptation to hang out and hope that everyone is right and that your gorgeous kiddo will turn around and start streaming words at a million miles a minute….well, it’s strong.

And truly, maybe they will. Maybe they’re just hanging back on the talking thing and that’s totally fine.

speech and occupational therapy lake macquarie and newcaswtle

In our case, Oscar was significantly delayed, and we sought help from a speech therapist. Oscar is our only child, and once we met with our speechie and went through a few sessions, we were overwhelmed at just HOW delayed he was.

We had no real knowledge of the milestones (subtle ones mind you) that he was missing. All of a sudden we’re talking about weekly sessions, occupational therapy, NDIS funding and diagnoses. It threw us for a big loop. We really thought we’d just get him some help and that it would be short term.

Early intervention has been absolutely key for Oscar, and without it we don’t know where we’d be.

The passion, support and hard work from our various therapists has made the world of difference.

Oscar is now racing ahead and we’re so proud of him. He’s a funny, loving little dude and life is simply a joy because of him.

speech therapy lake macquarie and newcastle

Having seen the simply enormous difference our therapists have made to Oscar’s (and our) lives, we set out to create a practice that is “therapy first”.

We wanted to be able to offer therapies for children like Oscar, in an environment that nurtures the therapist and understands that a supportive management team will always put children and their therapy first.

We work hard to create a supportive, collaborative environment so that our therapists can focus on what they do best – working with their clients for great outcomes.

We know how overwhelming this journey can be. Everything we do at Hello Rainbow aims to support you as a family.

If you’re just starting to navigate the world of early childhood intervention we’re here to help.